3 reasons for Moving practice, for full-contact karate and Ashihara karate


Hello! It’s everkarate.

This time, I will explain only three reasons and benefits of moving practice.

In full contact karate training, Moving practice is often performed after basic training.
Even in my karate style, the training menu is done in the order of “Stretch exercise → Basic practice → Moving practice …”.

Like basic practice, moving practice also includes learning karate techniques. This time, I will introduce the reasons and benefits of moving practice when looking at it as a practice method, other than learning “techniques”.

First is the conclusion.

①Learn how to use your waist dynamically

② Learn weight shift 

③Leg and waist training

So let’s dig deeper.


About moving practice

First, I will describe the specific contents of the moving practice.

・Step & punch from front-learning
・Step & reverse punch from front-learning
・Stright high front kick from kicking stance
・Front kick from kicking stance
・Roundhouse kick from kicking stance

This is the standard menu of my karate style (Ashihara Kaikan).

We may also addition:

・Side kick from horseback (→ spinnig back hook kick)
・Forward-turning hammer punch
・Backward-turning hammer punch

①Learn how to use your waist dynamically

The source of the destructive technique is the hips turnning.

I think it is the same not only in karate but also in other martial arts.

In moving practice, the hips are turned more than in basic training.

As a guide for hip turnning, basic kicks are about 45 degrees, and moving kicks are about 60 degrees.

② Learn weight shift  

This is also an important factor.

You will learn how to use your body to add weight to your punches and kicks.

Also, in the case of kicking, the position of the landing foot can be used as it is for positioning.

③Leg and waist training

All moves and techniques are performed with the waist lowered, so it is a leg training for karate techniques.

We will introduce training methods for advanced person from the perspective of training the legs during moving practice.

In the past, when I went to the Ashihara karate judging meeting, there was a black belt who collapsed after losing his balance in the Sabaki.

At the branch master’s meeting that followed, the Kancho gave the following advice.

“A black belt must train his legs and waist so that he doesn’t fall down.”

as a specific practice method,

“Move slowly, not at normal speed, when doing punch and reverse punch in moving practice .”

“However, if you look at it from the outside, it doesn’t look like karate, and it looks like a suspicious gathering, so please do it only with black belts (advanced persons).”

We also received the above follow.

Immediately, when I tried this practice in a voluntary training at a later date, it worked quite well on my legs. Certainly, I thought that if I trained with this, I wouldn’t lose my balance.

I’m currently incorporating Taikiken’s “Hai” into my voluntary training (although I’m self-taught), but when I think about it now, I think it’s a karate-like training that’s comparable to ”Hai”. If you are interested, please try it.

↓ Reference article ↓ 3 lower body strengthening menus for Karateka(Karate practitioners)

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This time, I dug deep into 3 reasons for moving practice.

①Learn how to use your waist dynamically

② Learn weight shift 

③Leg and waist training

I believe that all of these are important factors for how to use the body for Karate.

Finally, I will describe my favorite training scene in “Kimetsu no Yaiba”.

From the Iwa no Hashira (pillar of rock),

“The most important thing is the center of the body… the legs and waist. Stabilizing the body with strong legs and loins leads to accurate attacks and balanced defense.”

It was a line that stuck in my heart with the essence of martial arts.


I hope that the above information is of some help.
